Millions of Google Adsense publishers are out there on the market and out of them very few are taking seriously the blogs and earn huge amounts of money from it. If you run a website, blog, forum, classifieds site, game, review or any other related niche blog deGoogle running AdSense ads on them, you should know the best places to put your ads on Google AdSense more blocks Google paid advertisements. This article is mainly of news websites or static websites running Google ads to publish articles Adsense.Voy optimum locations to place Google ads on their blogs and forums later this week.

Place larger ad unit above the fold to attract placement targeting
     You can put up to 3 standard AdSense for content ads on your homepage. We recommend using either a 728 leaderboard medioformato × 90 or 300 × 250 rectangle ads according to their page layout.
     Add a picture of AdSense for Search next to the top navigation bar would be an additional way to monetize your site.

Place a placement of 728 × 90 leaderboard and a 300 × 250 medium rectangle ad unit on the left and on the upper half, and attract targeting.
     Put a unit of 160 × 600 wide skyscraper ad on the bottom right corner of the page to attract the attention of users when done reading.
     Add a picture of AdSense for Search next to the top navigation bar would be an additional way to monetize your site.

Place a 300 × 250 medium rectangle embedded in content of placement targeting and better integration .
    Put a Leaderboard 728 × 90 or 468 × 60 banner below the article to attract the attention of users when done reading .
    Place a 160 × 600 wide skyscraper below the side navigation bar .
    Add two units of 468 × 15 link under the title, and between the article and the leaderboard ( 728 × 90 ) or banner ( 468 x 60 ) .
    Add a picture of AdSense for Search next to the top navigation bar would be an additional way to monetize your site.

    Note : Apply changes at least 15 days and monitor performance and earnings.No worry if during the first days of its gain decreases .

- I hope you reach and implement change position over Google ads to earn more income in their news or static websites . Let us know if you need help. 
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